Thursday, August 30, 2007

Charity begins at home

Somewhere around 2:30 Thursday afternoon, the auctioning of automobiles began at the Kruse International Auction Park. The first several cars and other items had been donated to the Salvation Army, according to the auctioneers. Nothing fancy, but any proceeds would benefit their charity operations.
The spirit of giving was not overwhelming. The first car, a Buick, (no I don't remember what kind,) went for about $1000 dollars. The second, an '89 Mercedes sedan, went for around $1500. Later, a mildly customized golf cart went for about twice of what the Mercedes brought. Priorities I suppose.
The hardest thing about watching this was knowing:
One: I really need a car.
Two: I could have actually afforded one of these, (not the golf cart though.)

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