Wednesday, August 29, 2007

...start your collector car engines.

If the morning haze is any indicator of the humidity to come with today's predicted 90-degree temperatures, it should be quite the sweaty time out at the Kruse International Auction Park. Driving by on I-69, I saw this line of cars winding around the site, waiting in line to register for the sale.
I've covered the sale and the ACD Festival about a dozen times in the last 19 years as a staff photographer for The News-Sentinel. This year, as a reporter/photographer, I get the chance to tell stories via words and photos. This blog will be where I put some of those thoughts together, perhaps before writing my daily stories for the print edition of the NS.
Stay tune. I plan to update frequently for the next six days. If you have any suggestions, requests or gripes, let me know. I'll keep a close eye on the comments.

Steve Linsenmayer

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