Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Auburn House closed

I've had a serious crimp put into my lunch plans for the week.
The Auburn House Restaurant closed in mid February. This isn't news in Auburn, but it was to me. About two years ago Dave Costa sold the downtown eatery, known for its heavy dose of auto-collector items and, MUCH more importantly, its amazing Auburn House chicken.
Just recently, after bankruptcy proceedings progressed, Costa got the keys back to the building.
He's not going to reopen, but hopes to sell to someone interested in running the restaurant.
"I'd like to see somebody come in and bring it to what it was before," he said, although its not a condition for the sale. He'll be in and out of the place, cleaning up and sorting things out throughout the festival week. I doubt that I'll be the last to drop by and tell him that I miss the place.

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